sarea's Home Page

Welcome to sarea's Default Web Page
This is a demonstration page created automatically when this account was
activated at XMission. This is not representative of sarea
nor is it representative of the account
This page is for educational purposes only.
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What follows is a bulleted list:
- Register a Domain name with InterNIC
- Use Virtual email services
- Get ISDN
- Ask XMission how to setup email for office network
- Play Quake at after work
This is a numbered "to do" list:
- Use XMission to telecommute
- Buy an x2 modem for better bandwidth
- Rewrite this web page when I get a chance
- Download some cool software from
- Learn how to FTP
This is a block quote, which can be useful for displaying block quotes.
Here is a list of some useful links
This demonstration page was created by Bob Dobbs the robot for